In an era where technology evolves at a rapid pace, introducing new tools and systems is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. However, the integration of new technology can reveal significant skills gaps within a team, leading to deployment delays and mounting frustration among team members. Properly addressing this skills gap is essential for leveraging the full potential of new technologies.


❌ What Not to Do

When a skills gap becomes evident, it’s important to avoid certain counterproductive actions:

1. Criticising the Team: Reprimanding team members for not quickly adapting to new technology can severely impact morale. This approach fosters a negative work environment and discourages open communication about learning needs.

2.Expecting Self-Learning: Assuming that team members will learn the new technology on their own time is unrealistic and unfair. Employees already have demanding workloads, and expecting them to upskill without support can lead to burnout and decreased productivity.


✅ What to Do

Effective strategies to address the skills gap should focus on support and structured learning opportunities:

1. Organise Targeted Training Sessions: Structured training sessions tailored to the new technology are essential. These sessions should cover the basics as well as advanced features, ensuring that all team members are on the same page.

2. Provide Resources: Offering a variety of learning resources, such as online courses, tutorials, and documentation, can cater to different learning styles. Make these resources easily accessible to all team members.

3. Bring in Experts: Hiring external experts to conduct hands-on workshops can provide in-depth, practical knowledge. These workshops can be particularly beneficial as they allow team members to ask questions and receive immediate feedback.

4. Allocate Learning Time: Allowing team members to dedicate time during work hours to learning and experimenting with the new technology can facilitate faster and more effective upskilling. This approach demonstrates the organisation’s commitment to professional development and technology adoption.

5. Mentorship Programs: Pairing less experienced team members with those who have a better grasp of the new technology can encourage knowledge sharing and collaborative learning.


‼️ What Happens with Inaction

Ignoring the skills gap within a team can have several detrimental effects:

1. Underutilisation of Technology: Without proper training, the new technology will not be used to its full potential. This underutilisation can result in the organisation failing to achieve the expected benefits, thereby wasting valuable resources. 

2. Decreased Morale: Team members who feel unsupported in learning new skills may become disengaged and demotivated. This decrease in morale can negatively impact overall productivity and job satisfaction.

3. Competitive Disadvantage: An organisation that fails to effectively integrate new technology will likely fall behind its competitors. The inability to leverage cutting-edge tools and systems can hinder innovation and efficiency.

4. Increased Frustration: As team members struggle to use the new technology without adequate training, frustration levels will rise. This frustration can lead to higher turnover rates as employees seek more supportive work environments.


Addressing a skills gap when introducing new technology – or any sizeable change – requires a proactive and supportive approach. By organising targeted training sessions, providing ample learning resources, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, organisations can ensure that their teams are well-equipped to embrace new technologies. Ignoring this crucial aspect can lead to underutilisation of technology, decreased morale, and a significant competitive disadvantage. Ultimately, investing in your team’s development is an investment in the future success of the organisation.